Citations: [Scopus] [Arnetminer] [Google Scholar] [Microsoft Academic]
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Journal publications
Nikou, J. P. Armspach, F. Heitz, I. J. Namer, and D.
Grucker. MR/MR and MR/SPECT registration of brain
images by fast stochastic optimization of robust
voxel similarity measures. NeuroImage,
Vol. 8, No, 1, pp. 30-43, 1998. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach. Robust voxel
similarity metrics for the registration of
dissimilar single and multimodal images. Pattern
Recognition, Vol. 32, No 8, pp.
1351-1368, 1999. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach, I. J. Namer.
Mesures de similarité robustes pour le recalage
d’images médicales volumiques multimodales. Traitement
du Signal, Vol. 16, No 3, pp. 255-272,
2000. [pdf]
Nikou, G. Bueno, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach. A joint
physics-based statistical deformable model for
multimodal brain image analysis. IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 20,
No 10, pp. 1026-1037, 2001. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, A. Nehlig, I. J. Namer and J. P.
Armspach. A robust statistics-based global energy
function for the alignment of serially acquired
autoradiographic sections. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 124, No 1, pp.
93-102, 2003. [pdf]
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. A global energy
function for the alignment of serially acquired
slices. IEEE Transactions on Information
Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 7, No. 2,
pp. 108-113, 2003. [pdf]
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Reconstruction of
serially acquired slices using physics-based
modeling. IEEE Transactions on Information
Technology in Biomedicine, 7(4):394-403,
2003. [pdf]
Loutas, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Probabilistic
multiple face detection and tracking using entropy
measures. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 128-135, 2004. [pdf]
Loutas, I. Pitas and C. Nikou. Entropy-based metrics
for the analysis of partial and total occlusion in
video object tracking, IEE Proceedings of
Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol.
151, No. 6, pp. 487-497, 2004. [pdf]
Cernekova, I. Pitas and C. Nikou. Information
theory-based shot cut/fade detection and video
summarization. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 82-91, 2006. [pdf]
Nikou, N. Galatsanos and A. Likas. A class-adaptive
spatially variant finite mixture model for image
segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing, Vol. 16, No 4, pp. 1121-1130,
2007. [pdf]
Blekas, C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and N. Tsekos. A
regression mixture model with spatial constraints
for clustering spatiotemporal data. International
Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools.
2008. Vol. 17, No 5, pp. 1023-1041, 2008. [pdf]
Kampouraki, G. Manis and C. Nikou. Heartbeat time
series classification with support vector machines.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology
in Biomedicine. Vol. 13, No 4, pp.
512-518, 2009. [pdf]
Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. The mixtures of
Student’s t-distributions as a robust framework for
rigid registration. Image and Vision
Computing, Vol. 27, No 9, pp. 1285-1294,
2009. [pdf]
publication] [MATLAB
Sfikas, C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and C. Heinrich.
Spatially varying mixtures incorporating line
processes for image segmentation. Journal
of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol.
36, No 2, pp. 91-110, 2010. [pdf]
publication] [MATLAB
Nikou, A. Likas and N. Galatsanos. A Bayesian
framework for image segmentation with spatially
varying mixtures. IEEE Transactions on
Image Processing, Vol. 19, No 9,
pp.2278-2289, 2010. [pdf]
Plissiti, C. Nikou and A. Charchanti. Automated
detection of cell nuclei in Pap smear images using
morphological reconstruction and clustering. IEEE
Transactions on Information Technology in
Biomedicine, Vol. 15, No 2, pp. 233-241,
2011. [pdf]
Karavasilis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Visual tracking
using the earth mover’s distance between Gaussian
mixtures and Kalman filtering. Image and
Vision Computing, Vol. 29, No 5, pp.
295-305, 2011. [pdf]
Plissiti, C. Nikou and A. Charchanti. Combining
shape, texture and intensity features for cell
nuclei extraction in Pap smear images. Pattern
Recognition Letters, Vol. 32, No 6, pp.
838-853, 2011. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Heinrich, J. Zallat, C. Nikou and N.
Galatsanos. Recovery of polarimetric Stokes images
by spatial mixture models. Journal of the
Optical Society of America-A, Vol. 28, No
3, pp. 465-474, 2011. [pdf]
T. Athanasiadis, I. Fudos, C. Nikou
and V. Stamati. Feature-based 3D morphing based on
geometrically constrained spherical parameterization.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.
29, No 1, pp. 2-17, 2012. [pdf]
D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A.
Likas. Registering sets of points using Bayesian
regression. Neurocomputing, Vol. 89,
pp.122-133, 2012. [pdf]
V. Karavasilis, K. Blekas and C.
Nikou. A novel framework for motion segmentation and
tracking by clustering incomplete trajectories. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 116,
No 11, pp. 1135-1148, 2012. [pdf]
M. Plissiti and C. Nikou.
Overlapping cell nuclei segmentation using a spatially
adaptive active physical model. IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 21,
No 11, pp. 4568-4580, 2012. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and L. P.
Kondi. Accurate image registration for MAP image
super-resolution. Signal Processing: Image
Communication, Vol. 28, No 5, pp.494-508,
2013. [pdf]
G. Rigas, C. Nikou, Y. Goletsis and
D. I. Fotiadis. Hierarchical similarity
transformations between Gaussian mixtures. IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
Vol. 24, No 11, pp. 1824-1835, 2013. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, V. Karavasilis, C.
Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Matching mixtures of curves
for human action recognition. Computer Vision
and Image Understanding, Vol. 119, pp.
27-40, 2014. [pdf]
D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A.
Likas. Modeling sets of unordered points using highly
eccentric ellipses. EURASIP Journal on
Advances in Signal Processing, 2014:11,
2014. [pdf]
G. Chantas, T. Gkamas and C. Nikou.
Variational-Bayes optical flow. Journal of
Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 50,
No 3, pp. 199-213, 2014,
DOI:10.1007/s10851-014-0494-3. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and L. P.
Kondi. Robust MAP image super-resolution. Journal
of Electronic Imaging 23(4), 043016 (2014).
doi:10.1117/1.JEI.23.4.043016. [pdf]
D. Riana, M. E. Plissiti, C. Nikou, D. H. Widyantoro and T. L. R. Mengko. Inflammatory cell extraction and nuclei detection in Pap smear images. International Journal of e-Health and Medical Communications, Vol.6, No 2, pp. 27-43, 2015. doi:10.4018/IJEHMC.2015040103. [pdf] |
D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Elimination of outliers from 2D point sets using the Helmholtz principle. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 22, No 10, pp. 1638-1642, 2015. doi: 10.1109/LSP.2015.2420714. [pdf] [Supplementary material] |
V. Karavasilis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Visual tracking using spatially weighted likelihood of Gaussian mixtures. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 140, pp. 43-57, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.cviu.2015.07.003. [pdf] [original publication] |
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. A Review of human activity recognition methods. Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2, No 28, 2015. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2015.00028. [pdf] |
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Identifying human behaviors using synchronized audio-visual cues. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 8, No 1, pp. 54-66, 2017. doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2015.2507168. [pdf] |
A. Giotis, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. A survey of document image word spotting techniques. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 68, pp. 310-332, 2017.[pdf] [original publication] doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2017.02.023. |
V. Karavasilis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Real time visual tracking using a spatially weighted von Mises mixture model. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 50-57, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.03.013. [pdf] [original publication] |
N. Sarafianos, Th. Giannakopoulos, C. Nikou and I. A. Kakadiaris. Curriculum learning of visual attribute clusters for multi-task classification. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 80, pp. 94-108, 2018. doi:/10.1016/j.patcog.2018.02.028 [pdf] [original publication] |
K. Papadimitriou, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Tomographic image reconstruction with a spatially varying Gamma mixture prior. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 60, pp. 1355-1365, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10851-018-0817-x [original publication] |
G. Tsigkas, G. Sfikas, A. Pasialis, A. Vlachopoulos and C. Nikou. Markerless detection of ancient rock carvings in the wild. Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. 135, pp. 337-345, 2020.[original publication] |
M. Vrigkas, E. Kazakos, C. Nikou, and I. Kakadiaris. Human activity recognition using robust adaptive privileged probabilistic learning. Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 24, pp. 915-932, 2021. [original publication] |
[J42] | M. Vrigkas, E.-A. Kourfalidou, M. E. Plissiti, C. Nikou. FaceMask: A new image dataset for the automated identification of people wearing masks in the wild. Sensors, 2022, 22, 896. [original publication]. |
[J43] | I. Panagos, A. Giotis, S. Sofianopoulos and C. Nikou. A new benchmark for consumer visual tracking and apparent demographic estimation from RGB and thermal images. Sensors, 2023, 23(23), 9510. [original publication] |
Conference publications
C. Nikou, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach, and D. Grucker. Recalage d'images médicales multimodales par une approche robuste. In Proceedings of the 16th GRETSI conference on signal and image processing, (2):1375-1378, 15-19 September 1997, Grenoble, France. [pdf] |
Nikou, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach, and I. J. Namer.
Single and multimodal subvoxel registration of
dissimilar medical images using robust similarity
measures. SPIE Medical Imaging’98,
San Diego, California, USA, 21-26 Feb. 1998, Vol.
3338, pp 167-178, 1998. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach. Robust
registration of dissimilar single and multimodal
images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2,
pp 51-65, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on
Computer Vision (ECCV’98), 2-6 June
1998, Freiburg, Germany. Oral presentation. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach. Brain
segmentation from 3D MRI using statistically
constrained physics-based deformable models.
Proceedings (CD) of the IEEE Medical Imaging
Conference (MIC'98), Vol. 3, pp.
2045-2049, 8-14 November 1998, Toronto, Canada.
Nikou, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach. Multimodal
image registration using statistically constrained
deformable multimodels. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'98),
Vol. I, pp 878-882, 4-7 October 1998, Chicago, USA.
Nikou, F. Heitz and J. P. Armspach. A probabilistic
multi-object deformable model for MR/SPECT image
registration and segmentation. SPIE Medical
Imaging’99, San Diego, California, USA,
20-26 Feb. 1999, Vol. 3361, pp 170-181. [pdf]
Nikou, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach and G. Bueno. A
physically-based statistical deformable model for
brain image analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Vol. 2, pp 528-542, Springer-Verlag
Berlin-Heidelberg Proceedings of the 6th European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’00),
26 June-1 July 2000, Dublin, Ireland. [pdf]
Bueno, C. Nikou, O. Musse, F. Heitz, J. P. Armspach.
Construction of a 3D physically-based multi-object
deformable model. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'00),
Vol. 1, pp. 268-271, 10-13 September 2000,
Vancouver, Canada. [pdf]
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. A global energy
function for the alignment of serially acquired
slices. In Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference
on Informatics (PCI’01), 8-10
November 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus. [pdf]
Loutas, C. Nikou, K. Diamantaras and I. Pitas.
Efficient occlusion handling region tracking. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on
Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’01),
28-30 December 2001, Cairo, Egypt. [pdf]
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Alignment of
serially acquired slices using a global energy
function. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society Conference (EMBS’01),
Vol. 3, pp 2414-2417, 25-28 October 2001, Istanbul,
Turkey. [pdf]
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. 3D volume
reconstruction by serially acquired 2D slices using
a distance transform-based global cost function.
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, Procedings
of the 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (SETN’02), Vol. 2308,
pp 390-400, 11-12 April 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Krinidis, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. 3D physics-based
reconstruction of serially acquired slices. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo (ICME’02), Vol.
1, pp 877-880, 26-29 August 2002, Lausanne,
Switzerland. [pdf]
Cernekova,, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Shot detection in
video sequences using entropy-based metrics. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP’02), Vol. 3,
pp. 421-424, 22-25 September 2002, Rochester, New
York, USA. [pdf]
Cernekova,, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Entropy metrics
used for video summarization. In Proceedings of the
Inernational Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
(ISCCG’02), Budmerice, Slovakia,
2002. [pdf]
Loutas, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. An information
theoretic approach to joint probabilistic face
detection and tracking. In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’02),
Vol. 1, pp. 505-508, 22-25 September 2002,
Rochester, New York, USA. [pdf]
Loutas, C. Nikou and I. Pitas. Information
theory-based analysis of partial and total occlusion
in object tracking.. In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’02),
Vol. 2, pp. 309-312, 22-25 September 2002,
Rochester, New York, USA. [pdf]
Nikou, N. Galatsanos, A. Likas and K. Blekas. Image
segmentation with a class-adaptive spatially
constrained mixture model. Proceedings of the 14th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’06),
4-8 September 2006, Florence, Italy. [pdf]
C. Nikou and G. Manis. Classification of heart rate
sigals using support vector machines. Proceedings of
the 18th EURASIP Biosignal Conference (Biosignal’06),
pp. 9-11, 28-30 June 2006, Brno, Czech Republic.
Kampouraki, C. Nikou and G. Manis. Robustness of
support vector machine based-classification of heart
rate signals. 28th International IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC’06),
pp. 2159-2162, 30 Aug.-3 Sep. 2006, New York, USA. [pdf]
Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Rigid image
registration based on pixel grouping. In Proceedings
of the 14th International Conference on Image
Analysis and Processing (ICIAP’07),
10-14 September 2007, Modena, Italy. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Nikou and N. Galatsanos. Robust image
segmentation with mixtures of Students’s
t-distribution. In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07),
Vol. 1, pp. 273-276, 16-19 September 2007, San
Antonio, Texas, USA. [pdf]
Blekas, C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and N. Tsekos. Curve
clustering with spatial constraints for analysis of
spatiotemporal data. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE
International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI’07), Vol. 1,
pp. 529-535, 29-31 October 2007, Patras, Greece. [pdf]
Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Robust image
registration using mixtures of t-distributions.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Computer Society
Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image
Analysis (MMBIA’07), in conjunction
with ICCV’07, 14-20 October 2007, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. [pdf]
Fotiou, C. Nikou and N. Galatsanos. A spatially
adaptive hierarchical stochastic model for non-rigid
image registration. Proceedings of the 16th European
Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’08),
25-29 April 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Nikou and N. Galatsanos. Edge-preserving
spatially varying mixtures for image segmentation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’08),
23-28 June 2008, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Oral
presentation (top 3% papers). [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and C. Heinrich. MR
brain tissue classification using an edge preserving
Bayesian mixture model. Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI’08),
pp. 43-50, 6-10 September 2008, New York, USA. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Nikou, C. Heinrich and N. Galatsanos. On
the optimization of probability vector MRFs in image
segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP‘09),
2-4 September 2009, Grenoble, France. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Heinrich, J. Zallat, C. Nikou and N.
Galatsanos. Joint recovery and segmentation of
polarimetric images using a compound MRF and mixture
modeling. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’09),
pp. 3901-3904, 7-11 November 2009, Cairo, Egypt. [pdf]
Plissiti, C. Nikou and A. Charchanti. Accurate
localization of cell nuclei in Pap smear images
using gradient vector flow deformable models.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Bio-inspired Signals and Systems (BIOSIGNALS’10),
pp. 284-289, 20-23 January 2010, Valencia, Spain. [pdf]
Athanasiadis, I. Fudos, C. Nikou and V. Stamati.
Feature-based 3D morphing based on geometrically
constrained sphere mapping optimization. Proceedings
of the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’10),
22-26 March 2010, Sierre, Switzerland. [pdf]
Karavasilis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Visual tracking
by adaptive Kalman filtering and mean shift.
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (SETN’10),
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6040,
pp. 153-162, 4-7 May 2010, Athens, Greece. [pdf]
Sfikas, C. Heinrich and C. Nikou. Multiple atlas
inference and population analysis with spectral
clustering. Proceedings of the 20th International
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’10),
pp. 2500-2503, 23-26 August 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Plissiti, C. Nikou and A. Charchanti.
Watershed-based segmentation of cell nuclei
boundaries in Pap smear images. Proceedings of the
10th IEEE International Conference on Information
Technology Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB’10),
3-5 November 2010, Corfu, Greece. [pdf]
Vrigkas, C. Nikou and L. P. Kondi. On the
improvement of image registration for high accuracy
super-resolution. IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’11),
pp. 981-984, 22-27 May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sfikas, C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and C. Heinrich.
Majorization-minimization mixture model
determination in image segmentation. IEEE Computer
Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR’11), pp.
2169-2176, 20-25 June 2011, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, USA. [pdf]
Gkamas and C. Nikou. Guiding optical flow estimation
using superpixels. 17th International Conference on
Digital Signal Processing (DSP’11),
6-8 July 2011, Corfu, Greece. [pdf]
Plissiti and C. Nikou. Cell nuclei segmentation by
learning a physically based deformable model. 17th
International Conference on Digital Signal
Processing (DSP’11), 6-8 July
2011, Corfu, Greece. [pdf]
Karavasilis, K. Blekas and C. Nikou. Motion
segmentation by model-based clustering of incomplete
trajectories. European Conference on Machine
Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (ECML - PKDD’11).
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2,
pp.146-161, 5-9 September 2011, Athens, Greece. [pdf]
Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. A
split-and-merge framework for 2D shape
summarization. 7th International Symposium on Image
and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA‘11),
pp. 206-2011, 4-6 September 2011, Dubrovnik,
Croatia. [pdf]
M. Plissiti and C. Nikou. Cervical
cell classification based exclusively on nucleus
features. International Conference on Image Analysis
and Recognition (ICIAR’12), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7325, pp. 483-490,
25-27 June 2012, Aveiro, Portugal. [pdf]
V. Karavassilis, C. Nikou and A.
Likas. Gaussian mixture-based mean shift for tracking
under abrupt illumination changes. International
Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and
Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP’12),
pp. 510-513, 18-20 July 2012, Piraeus, Greece. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and L. Kondi.
A fully robust framework for MAP image
super-resolution. IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP’12), pp.
2225-2228, 30 September-3 October 2012, Orlando,
Florida, USA. [pdf]
V. Karavasilis, C. Nikou and A.
Likas. Visual tracking by weighted likelihood
maximization. 24th IEEE International Conference on
Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI‘12),
pp. 246-252, 7-9 November, 2012, Athens, Greece. [pdf]
T. Gkamas, G. Chantas and C. Nikou.
A probabilistic formulation of the optical flow
problem. International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR’12), pp. 754-757,
11-15 November 2012, Tsukuba, Japan. [pdf]
D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A.
Likas. Fast and efficient vanishing point detection in
indoor images. International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR’12), pp.
3244-3247, 11-15 November 2012, Tsukuba, Japan. [pdf]
M. Plissiti and C. Nikou. On the
importance of nucleus features in the classification
of Pap smear images. International Workshop on Pattern
Recognition for Healthcare analytics. In conjunction
with ICPR'12, 11-15 November,
Tsukuba, Japan. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, V. Karavasilis, C.
Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Action recognition by
matching clustered trajectories of motion vectors. 8th
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications (VISAPP’13), pp.
112-117, 21-24 February 2013, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
D. Gerogiannis and C. Nikou.
Tex-Lex: Automated generation of texture lexicons
using images from the World Wide Web. International
Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP’13),
1-3 July 2013, Santorini, Greece. [pdf]
M. Plissiti, E. Louka and C. Nikou.
Splitting of overlapping nuclei guided by robust
combinations of concavity points. SPIE
Medical Imaging 2014, San Diego, CA, USA,
15-20 February 2014. [pdf]
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Classifying behavioral attributes using conditional random fileds. 8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN'14), Ioannina, Greece, 15-17 May 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8445, pp. 95-104,2014. [pdf] [Parliament dataset] |
A. Giotis, D. Gerogiannis and C. Nikou. Word spotting in handwritten text using contour-based models. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR‘14), 1-4 September 2014, Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, pp. 399-404, 2014. [pdf] |
D. Gerogianis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Global sampling of image edges. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’14), 27-30 October 2014, Paris, France, pp. 4712-4716. [pdf] |
Giotis, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and B. Gatos. Shape-based word spotting in handwritten document images. 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’15), 23-26 August 2015, Nancy, France, pp. 561-565. [pdf] |
D. Gerogianis, C. Nikou and L. P . Kondi. Shape encoding for edge map image compression. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’15), pp. 1563-1567, 27-30 September 2015, Quebec City, Canada. [pdf] |
K. Papadimitriou and C. Nikou. Tomographic image reconstruction with a spatially varying Gaussian mixture prior. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’15), pp. 4002-4006, 27-30 September 2015, Quebec City, Canada. [pdf]. |
M. Plissiti, M. Vrigkas and C. Nikou. Segmentation of cell clusters in Pap smear images using intensity variation between superpixels. 22nd International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP’15), 10-12 September 2015, London, United Kingdom, pp 184-187. [pdf] |
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Exploiting privileged information for facial expression recognition. IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB’16), 13-16 June 2016, Halmstad, Sweden. Best paper award. [pdf] |
M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Active privileged learning of human activities from weakly labeled samples. IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP’16), pp. 3036-3040, 25-28 September 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. [pdf] |
I. Kakadiaris, N. Sarafianos and C. Nikou. Show me your body: gender classification from still images. IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP’16), pp. 3156-3160, 25-28 September 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. [pdf] |
N. Sarafianos, C. Nikou, and I. Kakadiaris. Predicting privileged information for height estimation. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’16), pp. 3115-3120, 4-8 December 2016, Cancún, Mexico. [pdf] |
G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Bayesian multiview manifold learning applied to hippocampus shape and clinical score data. Bayesian and Graphical Models for Biomedical Imaging (BAMBI’16), in conjunction with MICCAI’16, pp. 160-171, 17-21 October 2016, Athens, Greece. Best paper award. [pdf] |
A.Báez-Suárez, C. Nikou, J. A. Nolazco-Flores., I. A. Kakadiaris. Age classification from facial images: is frontalization necessary?. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’16), pp. 769-778, 12-14 December 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. In Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.10072. Springer, Cham. [pdf] |
A. Memariani, C. Nikou, B. T. Endres, E. Bassères, K. W. Garey, I. A. Kakadiaris. DeTEC: detection of touching elongated cells in SEM images. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’16), pp. 289-297, 12-14 December 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. In Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.10072. Springer, Cham. [pdf] |
C. Nikou. MAP tomographic reconstruction with a spatially adaptive hierarchical image model. 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'17), 28 August - 2 September 2017, Kos, Greece, pp. 1594-1598, 2017. [pdf] |
M. Vrigkas, E. Kazakos, C. Nikou and I.A. Kakadiaris. Inferring human activities using robust privileged probabilistic learning. 4th Workshop on Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision (TASK-CV), in conjunction with the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'17), Venice, Italy, October 22-29 2017. [pdf] |
N. Sarafianos, Th. Giannakopoulos, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Curriculum learning for multi-task classification of visual attributes. 4th Workshop on Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision (TASK-CV), in conjunction with the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'17), Venice, Italy, October 22-29 2017. [pdf] |
G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. SemiCCA: a new supervised probabilistic CCA model for keyword spotting. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’17), pp. 1107-1111, 17-20 September 2017, Beijing, China. [pdf] |
A. Memariani, C. Nikou, B. T. Endres, E. Bassères, K. W. Garey, I. A. Kakadiaris. DETCIC: detection of elongated touching cells with inhomogeneous illumination using a stack of conditional random fields. 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'18), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 27-29 January 2018. [pdf] |
O. Magana, M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris.SPICE: superpixel classification for cell detection and counting. 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'18), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 27-29 January 2018. [pdf] |
E. Kazakos, C. Nikou and I. K. Kakadiaris. On the fusion of RGB and depth information for hand pose estimation. 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2018), Athens, Greece, 7-10 October 2018. [pdf] |
M. Plissiti, P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou, O. Krikoni and A. Charchanti. SPIKAMED : a new dataset for feature and image based classification of normal and pathological cervical cells in Pap smear images. 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2018), Athens, Greece, 7-10 October 2018. [pdf] |
M. Vrigkas, E. Mastora, C. Nikou and I.A. Kakadiaris, "Robust incremental hidden conditional random fields for human action recognition," 13th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’18), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 19-21 November 2018. [pdf] |
P. Kouzouglidis, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Automatic video colorization using 3D conditional generative adversarial networks. LNCS Vol. 11844, pp.209-218. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’19), 7-9 October 2019, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA. [pdf] |
P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Nuclei detectioon using residual attention feature pyramid networks. 19th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE’19), pp. 109-114, 28-30 October 2019, Athens, Greece. [pdf] |
M. Zerva, M. Vrigkas, L. P. Kondi and C. Nikou. Improving 3D medical image compression efficiency using spatiotemporal coherence. Electronic Imaging 2020, 26-30 January 2020, Burlingame, California, USA. [pdf] |
P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. ISING-GAN: Annotated data augmentation with a spatially constrained generative adversarial network. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’20), 3-7 April 2020, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. [pdf] |
P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. WIND: Wasserstein inception distance for evaluating generative adversarial network performance. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’20), 4-8 May, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf] |
G. Chatzitzisi, M. Vrigkas and C. Nikou. Gender and age estimation without facial information from still images. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’20), 2-7 October 2020, San Diego, California, USA, LNCS Vol. 12509, pp. 488–500, 2020. [pdf] |
G. Sfikas, A. Giotis, G. Retsinas and C. Nikou. Quaternion generative adversarial networks for inscription detection in byzantine monuments. 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Cultural Heritage (PatReCH 2020), held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), January 2021, Milan, Italy. [pdf] |
V. Megir, G. Sfikas, A. Mekras, C. Nikou, D. Ioannidis, D. Tzovaras, Salient object detection with pretrained Deeplab and k-means: Application to UAV-captured building imagery. 1st workshop on Pattern Recognition and Automation in Construction and the Built Environment (PRAConBE 2020), held in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), January 2021, Milan, Italy. [pdf] |
[C82] | G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Iterative weighted transductive learning for handwriting recognition. 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2021), 5-10 September 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland. [pdf] |
[C83] | G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and P. Maragos. Deformation-invariant networks for handwritten text recognition, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2021), 19-22 September 2021, Anchorage, AL, USA. [pdf] |
[C84] | G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and P. Maragos. From Seq2Seq recognition to handwritten word embeddings. The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2021), 22-25 November 2021, online. [pdf] |
[C85] | G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, A. Giotis, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. Keyword spotting with quaternionic ResNet: application to spotting in Greek manuscripts. 15th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'2022), May 22-25, La Rochelle, France. |
[C86] | G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. Best practices for a handwritten text recognition system. 15th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'2022), May 22-25, La Rochelle, France. |
[C87] | G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. On-The-Fly deformations for keyword spotting. 15th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'2022), May 22-25, La Rochelle, France. |
[C88] | G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou. Hypercomplex generative adversarial networks for lightweight semantic labeling. 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI’2022), 1-3 June 2022, Paris, France. |
[C89] | A. Katsaliros, I. Panagos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Road crack detection using quaternion neural networks. IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2022), 26-29 June 2022, Nafplio, Greece. |
[C90] | I. Panagos, A. Giotis and C. Nikou. Multi-object visual tracking for indoor images of retail consumers. IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2022), 26-29 June 2022, Nafplio, Greece. |
[C91] | A. Giotis, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Adversarial deep features for weakly supervised document image word spotting. IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2022), 26-29 June 2022, Nafplio, Greece. |
[C92] | P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Variational feature pyramid networks. 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), 17-23 July 2022, Baltimore, MD, USA. |
[C93] | I. Panagos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Compressing audio visual speech recognition models with parameterized hypercomplex layers. 12th EETN Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2022), 7-9 September 2022, Corfu, Greece. doi: |
[C94] | M. Vrigkas, V. Tagka, M. Plissiti, and C. Nikou. Composition of motion from video animation through learning local transformations. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023), 4-10 June 2023, Rhodes, Greece. |
[C95] | P. Rempakos, M. Vrigkas, M. Plissiti and C. Nikou. Spatial transformer generative adversarial network for Image super-resolution. 22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2023), 11-15 September 2023, Udine, Italy. |
[C96] | D. Gerogianis, P. Sotiriadis and C. Nikou. The machine
learning Pod Canvas: An end to-end methodology to
design, build and deploy ML applications. 1st
International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial
Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary
Applications (FAIEMA 2023), 25th -
26th September 2023,
Athens, Greece. |
[C97] | M. Vrigkas and C. Nikou. A virtual reality 3D game: a comparison between an immersive virtual reality application and a desktop experience. 1st Workshop on 3D Computer Vision and Photogrammetry (3DCVP 2023), in conjunction with IEEE ICIP 2023, 8 October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
[C98] | P. Dimitrakopoulos, G. Sfikas and C. Nikou. Implicit neural representation inference for low-dimensional Bayesian deep learning. 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024), 7-11 May 2024, Vienna, Austria. |
Conference publications (abstracts)
P. Armspach, C. Nikou, I. J. Namer, L. Rumbach, D.
Grucker, F. Heitz, and J. Chambron. Automated
registration of MRI for the follow-up of multiple
sclerosis patients. European Conference of the
Socitey of Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics,
Biology and Medicine (ESMRMPBM‘96),
1996, Prague, Czech Republic. Published in Magnetic
Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine,
P. Armspach, C. Nikou, I. J. Namer, D. Grucker, and
F. Heitz. Automated registration of MRI for the
follow-up of multiple sclerosis patients. 13th
European Conference on Treatment end Research of
Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRMS'97),
1997. 2-5 November 1997, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nikou, I. J. Namer, J. P. Armspach, F. Heitz, and D.
Grucker. Recalage d'images medicales IRM - TEMP par
une approche robuste. Congres de Medécine Nucléeaire
de la langue Française (MNLF’97),
1-3 October 1997, Saint Malo, France.
Namer, A. Thiriaux, J. P. Armspach, C. Nikou, F.
Heitz, D. Gounot, E. Hirsch, C. Marescaux and D.
Grucker. Localisation préchirurgicale des zones
epileptogènes par la superposition des images
IRM-TEMP. Intérêt de deux examens TEMP critique et
inter-critique. Congres de Medécine Nucléeaire de la
langue Française (MNLF’99), 17-19
November 1999, Toulouse, France.
Nikou, N. Galtsanos and N. Tsekos. Spatial
segmentation based on the signal time activity of
dynamic cardiac images during intracoronary infusion
of GD contrast agent. International Symposium of
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’07),
19-25 May 2007, Berlin, Germany.
[CA6] | I. Kakadiaris, M. Islam, T. Xie, C. Nikou and A. Lumsden. iRay: Mobile AR using Structure Sensor. 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR’16), 19-23 September, Merida, Mexico. [pdf] |
[CA7] | M. Plissiti, C. Nikou, O. Krikoni and A. Charchanti. Combining cytoplasm and nuclei features for the classification of pathological cells in Pap smear images: a preliminary study on a new data base. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'17), 18-21 April 2017, Melbourne, Australia. |
[CA8] | A. Memariani, , S. Upadhyay, C. Nikou, B. T. Endres, E. Bassères, K. W. Garey, I. A. Kakadiaris. Detection of ellongated touching cells with Inhomogeneous illumination using a stack of conditional random fields. Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis (CVMI'17) Workshop held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'17), 21-26 July 2017, Honolulu, HW, USA. |
[CA9] | I. Panagos, A. Giotis and C. Nikou. Tracking multiple instances of retail consumers from RGB and thermal images. Engineering Proceedings, 21(17), 2022. 9th International Symposium on Sensor Sciences (I3S 2022), 20-22 June 2022, Warsaw, Poland. |
Book Chapters
E. Loutas, C.
Nikou and I. Pitas. Information theory-based face
tracking. In Multisensor Surveillance
Systems, Editors: G. L. Foresti, C. S.
Regazzoni, P. K. Varshney, Chapter 14, pages
251-264. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
ISBN 978-1402074921
M. Plissiti and C. Nikou. A review
of automated techniques for cervical cell image
analysis and classification. In Biomedical
Imaging and Computational Models in Biomechanics.
Editors: D. Iacoviello and U. Andreaus. Lecture Notes
in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, Vol.4, pp.
1-18, Springer 2013. ISBN 978-9400742697. [original
Edited Book
[EB1] | M. Vrigkas, C. Nikou and I. Kakadiaris. Applied Sciences: Advances in Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis. MDPI Books, January 2024. ISBN 978-3-0365-9638-9. |